What do Resumes for PR Professionals Need to Include?
The PR profession has undergone enormous change since the advent of social media; methods of engaging with the public, particularly consumers, have expanded to include web engagement as well as more traditional modes of public relations. Demonstrating expertise in this area requires a resume that showcases successful campaigns and quantifies the results of those campaigns. This is true for PR professionals on both the client and agency side of the industry. Take a look at the two sample resumes for PR professionals at the bottom of this page. Both of them list high profile clients’ campaigns as well as the ROI the client or agency experienced.
As media channels continue to evolve, the successful media/PR professional needs a resume that addresses your adoption of and expertise with new channels. I’ve worked with many professionals in PR strategy, pharmaceutical PR, media strategists, content writers and other talented individuals. The common thread throughout all these successful individuals’ resumes was that they included the key words specific to their roles on either the agency side or the client side. A sample resume for a PR professional who has worked on the agency side should drop client names when possible, as well as quantify the benefit the client experienced as a result of a campaign. For those on the client side, be certain to include on-going campaigns for issues your employers have advocated for.
Don’t neglect to include your social media links on your resume, especially if your speciality is customer engagement through social media sites.
Sample Resumes for PR Professionals that I’ve Written:
Luxury Brands PR Communications
Here’s an excellent article written by Robert Wynne for Forbes that discusses recent trends in PR communications practice that will inform your job search
The Future of Public Relations – Three Forks in the Road
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