What’s Your Brand?
While every professional resume needs to begin with a well-articulated professional brand, it’s especially critical for those in marketing. Resumes for marketing professionals must market the marketer; in other words, demonstrate the candidate’s value proposition for employers.
Just as you would emphasize the benefits over the features of a product you’ve sold, your resume should do the same. Is it clear why an employer would benefit from having you on board? Does your resume include a list of achievements? All the adjectives in the dictionary are useless unless you have solid evidence that demonstrates your value. Employers have seen “results-driven,” and other hackneyed phrases on so many resumes that the expression has ceased to mean anything. Quantify the value you represent in a well-curated list of accomplishments.
Which Marketing Sub-Speciality Describes Your Experience?
The field of marketing has many sub-specialities, so your resume needs to clarify what type of marketing professional you are. Are you expert in market research and metadata analysis? Promotional marketing? Event planning? Or is Branding your niche specialization? Is social media marketing your area of expertise?
What Should Resumes Marketing Professionals Include?
Marketing is a field where entry level candidates can learn the business, where mid-career individuals can work as marketing managers, senior marketing executives, and even work their way up to becoming the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of a company. Your resume needs to be clear which level you are at, and if you are looking to remain at that level for now, or if you want to take your career to the next level.
Since marketing is a widely used term, it covers so many areas. Event planners and promotional marketers don’t share the same qualifications as metadata marketing analysts, so your resume should focus on the skills that qualify you for the specialized area you’ve been working in or studying for.
View some of the many sample resumes for marketing professionals I’ve written
Sample Data Analytics Marketing
sample marketing communications
Great though you are at marketing for others, it’s another story when you have to market yourself! Let’s talk about how I can help you with your resume. Click here to learn about my pricing and process.
Contact me at spiegwrite@gmail.com or call (516) 987-8557