Are Resumes Still Relevant?

They’re traditional, and they’re still the norm, but increasingly people wonder if resumes are still relevant to employers when there are newer ways to assess candidates. As a professional resume writer, I obviously think resumes are still relevant, and will remain relevant for the near future.. Alternatives to resumes include videos in which candidates discuss

Why Your GPA Doesn’t Belong on Your Resume

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it now: your GPA doesn’t belong on your resume.  Recent graduates mention their GPAs, which I understand. They’re just exiting an environment where their grades mattered, and if they’re applying to graduate school, they still matter. That doesn’t mean that GPAs add value to resumes, and I’ll explain

Help Finding a Job When Your Way Doesn’t Work

If you need help finding a job, you’re not alone Back in 2013, John Sullivan, a PhD in human resources, used data analysis to explain why most candidates need help finding a job. His reasoning was that if job candidates understand the numbers, they’ll be better armed to handle the realities of the job search. And